Friday, 8 April 2016

Value of the Transport Industry and the People within it

The use of transportation can be seen everyday in the lives of each individual. It may be the bus ride you talk to school, the car you drive to work, the bike you peddle through the streets for leisure or the plane take to a new and exciting definition. Transportation can be viewed as one of the backbones of the urban cities. It makes our everyday lives easier and gives us the convenience of travelling to and from cities. Can you imagine a world without any form of transportation? It may come to a complete stand still. Praise is given to these amazing and impressive pieces of technology that allow us the convenience of transportation but the person responsible for for operating this technology sometimes goes unrecognized.

People getting into a maxi -Photo by E.D
 How many times have you ever been waiting for a mode of transportation for a long time and when it finally arrives you think to yourself "Yes ah maxi finally reach," as though the maxi made it there on its own. Why don't we instead say "Yes a maxi driver has finally reached with his maxi." We have to remember that the way most technology is designed happens to be for it to be controlled or operated by human beings. Without human intelligence and labor these automobiles and other technological devices would not operate the same. Imagine taking a bus that was driving itself, maybe one day technology may become that advanced but for now that is not the reality of the situation.

This picture was taken while on my way to Port of Spain in a taxi. Normally I would take for granted the fact that this person driving is part of the reason that I could get to my destination. A drivers job may not seem like anything special or something that you need to be educated to do but take into consideration that every time you get into a taxi you are trusting your life in the hands of the person driving. Another thing to take into consideration is what being transported and transporting means to different people. It may be the difference between you seen someone that you have not seen in a long time. It maybe the only means of transportation for people of the lower classes within Trinidad and Tobago that can't afford to own a private vehicle. The way you get to school to obtain and education or most importantly the livelihood of someone. These drivers of the buses, cars, maxi taxis, pilots all rely on transportation as a source of income.So in addition to the fact that transportation makes lives more convenient for persons it also creates a job market that can be/is just as important as every other existing job market.
     Next time you take any form of transport think the things that make up this industry and the importance of it. Without transport distances would seem further and we would not be able to indulge in the benefits of its role in the compression of time and space and the market that it provides for employment for members of society.

Here is a little Riddle 
Riddle: Which Vehicle is spelled the same way forwards and backwards?

           Answer. RACECAR


  1. Since the jokes have nothing to do with transport, please remove.

  2. Removed, a riddle was added in place of it.
